Hankyu Hanshin REIT, Inc.

TSE Code:8977


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Hankyu Hanshin REIT is implementing measures toward continued growth and enhancement of distributions.

Toyoshige Okazaki
Executive Director,
Hankyu Hanshin REIT, Inc.

President and Representative Director,
Hankyu Hanshin REIT Asset Management, Inc.


Welcome to our website!

Welcome to the sixth edition of our Sustainability Report. The report outlines the various ESG-related measures undertaken by Hankyu Hanshin REIT to date and seeks to make our ESG concept widely known to our unitholders and other stakeholders.

Sustainability Report 2024

While the extreme severity of natural disasters, including intense summer heat and torrential rains, which are considered to be caused by global warming, has increased each year, we have also seen our stakeholders’ awareness of climate change growing day by day.

To meet their demands, we have taken various measures and set a target to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 35% from fiscal 2018 to fiscal 2030 so that we can achieve carbon neutrality (net zero) by fiscal 2050. Specifically, we have upgraded to highly energy-efficient heat source equipment and have installed virtually renewable energy in large-scale buildings such as GRAND FRONT OSAKA and HANKYU NISHINOMIYA GARDENS.
At the same time, the trend in sustainability management tells us that we should not only make practical efforts, but also to seek external certification and improve the assessment of existing certifications. We have built a data platform by introducing energy data, including electricity and gas, into our management system, which allowed us to advance our sustainability management. In fact, the successful transition from our analog data management resulted in a significant improvement in business efficiency. In addition, we have obtained third-party assurance of the energy data to acquire external verification, which we believe has enabled us to make energy data management not only efficient, but also accurate.

It is assumed that sustainability is increasingly expected and demanded. In order to continuously achieve sustainable growth based upon our newly planned energy platform system, we will also continue to tackle ESG issues from a medium-to-long-term perspective as well as build relationships of mutual trust with all stakeholders and strive to improve unitholder value.


Occtober 2024