Hankyu Hanshin REIT, Inc.

TSE Code:8977

Financial Information

Interest-bearing debt / Investor Ratings

Interest-bearing debt

(As of November 30, 2024)

Total assets (millions of yen) 182,637
Debts (including investment corporation bonds) (millions of yen) 86,800
LTV 41.0%
Fixed debt ratio 84.6%
Long-term debt ratio 100%
Average debt financing cost 0.79%
Average remaining years 4.5 years


*Please visit Debts / Investment Corporation Bonds for the latest status of borrowing.

Investor Ratings

(As of JuneĀ  19, 2024)

Credit agency Subject Credit Ratings Outlook
Japan Credit Rating Agency, Ltd. (JCR) Long-term issuer rating AA- Stable
Rating and Investment Information, Inc. (R&I) Issuer rating A+ Stable