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Welcome to our website!
Firstly, I would like to extend my heartfelt gratitude for your continued support of our business.
Starting from the railway business of Hankyu Corporation and Hanshin Electric Railway Co., Ltd., the Hankyu Hanshin Holdings, Inc. Group (hereafter the “sponsor group”), as the sponsor of Hankyu Hanshin REIT, Inc. (hereafter “HHR”), has provided our customers with a wide range of services in such businesses as real estate and entertainment.
In the real estate business, we are engaged in the development and operation of offices and retail facilities, centered on the Osaka Umeda area, which represents the core area where we develop and own a lot of facilities along the railways.
HHR will continue its initiatives for growth by leveraging the planning and operation capabilities of the sponsor group.
The social and economic environment surrounding HHR has drastically changed following the COVID-19 pandemic, as observed in the increase in the inflow of people into urban areas, an upsurge of inbound tourists, progressing inflation mainly of daily necessities, and the improvement of the employment situation. On the back of the improvement and changes in the social and economic environment, the business operations of HHR have also been steadily advancing.
Concerning internal growth, following the renewal of Dew Hankyu Yamada in the spring of 2024, we rearranged the tenant area of the restaurants on the 1st basement floor of the Kitano Hankyu Building, reopening the floor under the name of “Umeda Shibachika” on November 29, 2024. As a result, all of the tenant areas of the Kitano Hankyu Building have been put into operation on January 24, 2025.
In terms of our initiatives for sustainability, we have acquired a “3 Stars” and a “Green Star” Rating in the GRESB Real Estate Assessment.
The distribution per unit for the 39th fiscal period (ended November 30, 2024) was 3,155 yen, a 1.8% increase from the forecast (3,100 yen) announced on July 19, 2024. The expected distributions per unit for the 40th fiscal period (ending May 31, 2025) and the 41st fiscal period (ending November 30, 2025) are 3,140 yen and 3,150 yen, respectively.
Going forward, we will concentrate our efforts on realizing external and internal growth, financial strategy and sustainability, pursuing an increase in distribution per unit and maximization of unitholder value.
For further details, please visit our website for the 39th fiscal period financial briefing video (Japanese only).
I look forward to your continuous support and encouragement. Thank you.
January 2025